Le test des types psychologiques « MBTI » est basé sur la typologie de Jung et de Isabel Briggs Myers. Il vous permet de voir comment vous fonctionnez, ainsi qu’à comprendre et assumer vos choix et préférences.
The dimensions of the MBTI test are as follows:
- Energy Orientation: E Extroversion / I Introversion
- Information collection: S Feeling / N Intuition
- Decision making: T Thought / F Feeling
- Mode of action: I Judgement / P Perception
Knowing your 4 preferences from the test indicates your MBTI type. It positions you among the 16 personality types which appear below:
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ISTJ - The performerSerious and calm, interested in security and peaceful life. Extremely responsible and reliable. Well-developed power of concentration. Supports traditions and established things. Well-organized and hard-working, they usually work towards well-identified goals. They can accomplish any task, once all their ideas are devoted to it. More details |
ESTJ - The keeperPractical, traditional, and organized. Likely to be athletic. Not interested in theory or abstraction unless there is a practical application. Has clear visions of how things should be. Loyal, responsible, and hardworking. Organizes and executes. “Good citizens” who value security and peaceful living. More details |
ISFJ - The nurseCalm, kind, and conscientious. Usually puts others' needs before their own. Stable and practical, they value security and traditions. Inner world rich in observations about people. Extremely perceptive about other people's feelings. More details |
ESFJ - Home helpWarm, popular, and conscientious. Tends to put others' needs before his own. Sense of responsibility and duty. Likes traditions and security. Needs gratitude from others. More details |
ISTP - The mechanicQuiet and reserved, interested in how things work and why they work. Excellent mechanical skills. Takes risks and lives in the moment. Interested and talented in extreme sports. Simple in their desires. Loyal to their peers and their internal value systems. Not overly concerned with following laws and rules. Individual and analytical, they excel at finding solutions to practical problems. More details |
ESTP - The man of actionAction-oriented, focused on immediate results. Here-and-now, they take risks by living a fast-paced lifestyle. Extremely loyal to their peers, but have little respect for laws and rules. More details |
ESFP - The actorOpen to people, likes to have fun and does things for fun. Lives in the moment and enjoys new experiences. Does not like theory and analysis. Likes to be of service to others. Likes to be the center of attention in social situations. Good common sense and practicality. More details |
ISFP - The artistCalm, serious, sensitive and kind. Dislike conflict, and unlikely to do things that may generate conflict. Loyal and faithful. Extremely well-developed senses, and appreciates aesthetics. Not interested in directing or controlling others. Flexible and open-minded. Likely to be original and creative. Enjoys the moment. More details |
ENTJ - The directorEnergetic and outspoken - driven to lead. Excellent ability to understand difficult organizational problems and create solid solutions. Intelligent, usually excels at public speaking. Values knowledge and skills, and generally has little patience with inefficiency or disorganization. More details |
INTJ - The scientistIndependent, original, analytical and determined. Has an exceptional ability to convert theories into concrete action plans. Values knowledge, skills and structures. Likes to find meaning behind events. Thinks long term. Has very high performance requirements. Natural leader, but prefers to follow a leader, as long as he has confidence in him. More details |
ENTP - The visionaryCreative, resourceful and quick-witted. Good general knowledge. Enjoys debating. Very excited by new ideas and projects, but can overlook the more mundane aspects of life. Generally outspoken and assertive. Enjoys people and motivates them. Excellent ability to understand concepts and find solutions. More details |
INTP - The thinkerLogical, original, and creative thinker. Can get excited quickly about theories and ideas. Very good at explaining theories. Values knowledge, skills, and logic. Quiet and reserved, difficult to get to know. Individualistic, having no interest in leading others. More details |
ENFJ - The donorPopular and sensitive. Outward-looking, concerned about what others think and feel. Usually does not like to be alone. Sees everything from a human perspective. Very effective in managing people and leading group discussions. Enjoys being of service to others and puts the needs of others before his own. More details |
INFJ - The protectorOriginal, sensitive, he is a quiet force. Very intuitive with people and concerned with their feelings. Sense of values. Likes to do good. Prefers to stay in the background rather than lead. More details |
Need to get back in shape? |
ENFP - The charismaticEnthusiastic, idealistic, and creative. Able to do almost anything that interests him. Needs to live in accordance with his inner values. Excited by new ideas, but bored with details. Open-minded and flexible, with a wide range of interests and abilities. More details |
INFP - The idealistCalm, thoughtful and idealistic. Interested in serving humanity. Well-developed sense of values, which they strive to live by. Extremely loyal. Often talented in writing. Mentally quick and able to spot opportunities. Likes to understand and help people. More details |
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MBTI Test Psychological Profiles and Financial Independence
INTJs and INTPs are vastly overrepresented among the community of investors seeking financial independence. Almost half are INTJs (while they only represent 2% in the population) and almost a quarter are INTPs (3% in the population). These two types therefore represent 3/4 of (future) rentiers, while they are only 5% in the population. Something to think about...
Are they the only ones who have the skills to succeed in this particular quest or is it rather their extraordinary personality that pushes them to free themselves from work and consumer society? Certainly a bit of both...
THE Big Five and the MBTI test have many analogies, although the first is an empirical model, while the second is a theoretical model.
Good morning,
After taking the test, I am therefore INTP.
Can you tell me if this is compatible with stock market investments?
Leo, a loyal visitor to your site for a (very) long time.
Good morning
yes as stated here: http://www.dividendes.ch/intp-le-penseur/
The INTP has many qualities for investing in the stock market
What happens if you choose a career that is not listed in "possible careers"?
Well, it's like for me... we make do with a bit of time, and the more it goes on, the more we lose our temper and in the end we look for a solution to get out of it 😉
Hello, I would like to have my teams take this test. How can I proceed?
Hello, you need to refer to the professional test provided by the OPP: https://www.opp.com/fr-fr
Good morning,
As part of an academic project on the management of "difficult" personalities, I am interested in this distinction between personality types. Do you have a book to recommend on the subject?
Good morning
Have you tried the book illustrated in the article (click on the image)
Oh I'm sorry for the useless question, my connection was bad, the image was not displayed just now.
A big thank you for this very detailed explanation of the 16 MBTI profiles. I knew the test from having taken it at work, but now, it's in a completely different context that I'm interested in it since I'm also a writer and your article gave me material to develop the characters of my next novel in a coherent way. I had a vague initial idea for each character, and these profiles helped me to clarify them, I recognized each of them in a profile that fits them perfectly! So, thank you. And I won't hesitate to share your article 😉
Good morning,
Is MBTI a tool that is used in parallel with personality colors? I am looking for a book dealing with personality colors and their actions but this book seems just as complete to me. But somewhat complicated. Is it possible to recognize what type of personality we have in front of us after reading this book? and what is the difference between MBTI and colors
Best regards
Good morning
All personality tests rely on different methodologies. Therefore, the results may differ slightly. It may be interesting to compare them, although it is not necessary.
I am ENTP, the recommended professions (Psychologist / engineer "IT personally) are those that I aimed for (17 years old) but I stopped the courses due to the unbearable school methodology for me, I do not feel capable of learning by being put in the same boat as the others and my learning methodology is completely punished by schooling (doing your courses from the results to create my own path therefore inability and involuntariness to do the homework requested) now that I have stopped I am much more able to learn but I cannot reach the professions due to the necessary qualification, but given that I unfortunately do not know everything at this level, do you have any knowledge on the subject that could help me to direct myself? I am quite lost because I am not given the means to move forward...
If you want to delve deeper into this topic (MBTI, socionics) and learn more about each personality type, you can take a look at this blog: http://www.socion.fr
the solution is self-learning. distance learning. we manage ourselves. we learn at our own pace
I've been an INFJ since 2014 (official test) until now. It doesn't bother me. However, there are times when I would like to change jobs, try an adventure.
My question is: can you suggest some readings or exercises to help me be more flexible with regard to the modes of energy orientation I/E, information gathering S/N, decision making T/F and mode of action J/P?
How do we get the results once we have taken the free test?
A 4-letter code is displayed and gives you your profile
Hello, the ocean test does not work, an error message appears when you need to have results!!! Is this normal or is it due to a problem on the site?
I must admit that I hesitate between my two quick hypotheses on how you make money with this site Jérome. A site that deals with personality and the stock market at the same time, a great way to attract INTPs who spend their time thinking about everything and who will naturally think of a theory on their own functioning. Thus, they see what they have always theorized about themselves being rather well described and come across the stock market, then contact you because they always wait for this something before committing. Then, if you manage to make the experience pleasant for them, basically they make money, and it is in their nature to make generous donations to thank you.
Or I'm completely rambling because I'm an INTP who smoked too much and you're only doing this to help people in the stock market and hope they're talented and generous so you can get big incomes other than advertising.
Please contact me if the first theory is correct.
Make money from my site? Lol.
If I make money it's on the stock market, not really here!
1 ebook sold per month maximum, 2 donations in 2 years by a loyal reader friend whom I thank in passing, some earnings from advertising, minus the site hosting costs. There must be about 80.- per month on average left. If we divide by the number of hours spent writing articles, analyzing titles, responding to comments, maintaining the site and writing the ebook, the hourly wage is lower than that of a first-year apprentice.
I run this site purely out of passion, otherwise I would have given up a long time ago, like most others who think they'll make a fortune by opening a website...
I guess my intuition was wrong, and it's all the better if your motivation is expressed by passion and also explains the mistakes in French which are mostly mistakes of simple inattention. In any case, I realized things about myself that theories could not grasp, we can also think of Freud's on personality which turns out to be very instructive but not individualistic enough in my opinion.
Whatever your intentions, I am grateful for the creation of your site.
Break in the space/time continuum….