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The best site for dividend growth stocks, hands down!
Good evening Djoff,
If you are in your forties, have never invested in the stock market and therefore avoided the huge mistakes that all beginners make, but you soak up, as you say, everything you can read on Jérôme's site, I can assure you that it is a huge stroke of luck to have discovered it and to start in this way. I would like to summarize all my experiences since the first so-called confidential stock market letter that I read at the age of 14 that my father received, a member of an investment club who did not read it and that I read in my teenage bedroom, but it would be too long. It is better to have a strong stomach than a big brain to invest in the stock market. Do you have the skills or do you want to learn to analyze company balance sheets or not? For me, even if your answer is negative, there is a way to make your money prosper in the stock market, contrary to what some people may think.2135.50
Good evening Ivasso, you are in your forties, it is perfect to invest in dividend companies, but the most important thing is the growing dividends. In my opinion, despite the strong increase in recent years, here is a small list of companies still "purchasable" today for those who do not have one yet. KO PEP PG WMT MCD PM TGT IBM GE. What do you think?
I hope my previous messages will make many of you react because I ask myself a lot of questions today. I hope I am not the only one. Remember! PG 45$ WMT 49$ KO 20$ JNJ 47$ in 2009!!! I want to cry…
Just writing these few lines has allowed me to make a decision. My portfolio is quite well stocked for my taste, being in the middle of an active life with a good savings capacity, I would like, like all of you, lower valuations. Despite my little experience, I would really have a hard time advising someone who would like to build a portfolio today in stocks with growing dividends. Personally, I have my non-exhaustive but very specific list of companies to watch. In the months and years to come, I hope that opportunities will arise but will only invest in prices below 15 to 20% lower than today's. If the opportunity unfortunately never arises, I will invest my savings elsewhere than in the stock market hoping for better days (I mean worse days). What do you think?
Je ne vous dévoilerai pas le montant de mon portefeuille et ne vous demanderai pas le vôtre, je suis français, pas américain donc pas vraiment habitué à exposer ma petite richesse
. Le rendement en dividendes de mon portefeuille par rapport à mes prix de revient est aujourd’hui d’un peu plus de 3%. Mon petit calcul était le suivant. Prenons l’exemple d’une personne qui aurait commencé à travailler entre 25 et 30 ans ayant un salaire de 10 000 euros par mois en France (un très beau salaire j’en conviens… un sale riche à abattre dans notre pays). Cette personne aurait accumulé à la quarantaine, grâce uniquement à un effort d’épargne considérable (aucun héritage…) un portefeuille de 500 000 euro ayant un rendement en dividende sur prix de revient de 3%. En supposant une croissance moyenne des dividendes de 7% par an, son rendement aura doublé dans 10 ans et ce portefeuille lui versera 6% soit 30 000 euros de dividendes par an. Supposons que de 40 à 50 ans, il ait continué à investir 3000 euros mensuels en actions à dividendes croissants (ne pouvant pas plus, ses enfants poursuivant des études supérieures), il aura accumulé 360 000 euros supplémentaires en 10 ans. Si ces nouveaux achats lui versent annuellement 4% en dividendes sur prix de revient, cela fait 14 400 euros par an de plus soit 44 400 euros et donc une rente à la cinquantaine de 3700 euros mensuels… AVANT IMPOTS !!!! C’est très joli mais pas extraordinaire à mon goût étant donné l’effort d’épargne considérable de cette personne et surtout étant donné que mes possibilités sont bien inférieures de beaucoup à cet exemple. Je ne pourrai donc pas vivre financièrement indépendant à 50 ans soit 10 à 15 ans avant l’âge de ma retraite contrairement à bcoup d’entre vous malheureusement. Mes calculs vous paraissent-ils corrects
November 8, 2013 at 8:51 p.m. in reply to: Some purchases of Swiss securities in November 2013: Too expensive or not? #16891Good evening, my answer will not focus on "too expensive or not". There are indeed some very good companies in Switzerland. But, as you are apparently a French investor and therefore subject to French taxation I suppose, you should know that there is a withholding tax on dividends from Swiss shares of 35% and that the tax credit is only 17.7% if I am not mistaken. If you add to that, after a deduction of 40% it is true, the taxation of dividends if you are in the high tax brackets, unfortunately you will not have much left. This is why I prefer to invest in US or British companies for example. What is your opinion?
June 1, 2013 at 3:31 p.m. in reply to: Game: How much is the S&P 500 at the close of May 31, 2013? #16814Thank you very much Jerome. Have a good weekend and see you soon.
Good evening Jerome, I am surprised because the growth of PM's dividend in recent years seems to me much more important than what you mention. Concerning the distribution ratio, on which site is it possible to find it? And what is it for PM currently?
Good evening,
Quick question for Jérôme and Birdiemumn. Your expected retirement ages make me salivate, especially Jérôme. I don't know your current income but, if it's not too indiscreet, what assets do you hope to obtain at these ages, what distribution and especially what portfolio value invested in dividend-increasing stocks?
April 25, 2013 at 12:17 in reply to: Game: How much is the S&P 500 at the close of May 31, 2013? #16765The SP500 will be at exactly 1621 points
My apologies, I forgot about it. I was surprised too. Have a nice evening.
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