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  • in reply to: Exchange rate #23602

      I chose to convert. I don't do it systematically, but from time to time I look at my negative positions in other currencies and if I think I can trade at a good price on the forex the corresponding currencies, I take positions in order to go positive, and avoid interest.

      Interests are certain, capital losses not necessarily... at least that's my point of view. As already mentioned several times on my blog, I think that by focusing too much on the exchange rate risk we forget the most important thing.... Research also proves that it is not a primary aspect. On the contrary, the biggest mistake is to remain invested only in the domestic currency.

      in reply to: Exchange rate #23592

        I am not a Forex expert. In fact, I have often thought that it is more like a lottery than anything else.

        However, USD/CHF is in an uptrend, but is soon reaching a resistance zone, slightly above 1. So soon time to sell I think, unless the resistance zone is broken.

        For EUR/CHF it is the opposite. Bearish phase, but arrives in a support zone around 1.145. So I would wait a little to see. If it rebounds, we hold and sell at 1.17. Otherwise if it breaks the support zone of 1.145, we sell.

        in reply to: Presentation #23341

          Ok thanks. And in day trading do you have good results?

          in reply to: Presentation #23338

            Hello Santiago

            You're more in the long-term investor universe here, but your day trader experience may be interesting.

            You do more operations in a week than I do in a year! 😄

            I assume you are also with a broker like IB then.

            in reply to: Presentation #23285

              Hi Gilles

              Welcome to you and I look forward to reading you.

              in reply to: Presentation #23123

                Hello tavaillon

                Welcome and happy reading

                in reply to: My portfolio #23058

                  Carrément 😄

                  C’est vrai que par les temps qui courent mieux vaut se couvrir…

                  in reply to: Interactive Brokers and Swiss tax return #22953

                    I confirm 😄

                    So there's only one of them who got into trouble!

                    Please keep us informed of the tax authorities' reactions just in case.

                    I will do the same if there is any news on my side.

                    in reply to: Interactive Brokers and Swiss tax return #22950

                      Hi, last year I created a personal report:

                      – go to account management

                      – reports / statements

                      – on the right under custom statements, click on gear

                      – then + to create a statement

                      – give the name of the statement (“tax statement”), pdf format, French language, monthly period

                      – subsection, choose: account information, forex balances, combined dividends, open positions, withholding tax, net asset value

                      – under section configuration: realized profits/losses only, separate positions into long and short positions (yes), everything else = no

                      and that's it! Here you are with a tax statement that can be reused very easily every year and is free.

                      Plus it’s really easy to fill out your tax return => just one line!


                      To use it:

                      – reports/statements: statement type = custom

                      – choose your “tax statement”

                      – Specific period: from the 1st to the last working day of the taxable year

                      – pdf format and French language


                      Last year I sent this to the tax office and it went through fine. But I still had a fairly modest account. Now it has swelled up, so we'll see if it's still accepted as easily, but I don't see why it wouldn't.



                      • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by Jerome.
                      in reply to: Trading auto signal #22904

                        Hi DswissK,

                        You did well to open an account with IB. Very cheap, very fast, and in addition you have the Japanese market!

                        Indeed, the Trading Auto Signal as it previously existed is dead, following changes at my data provider Yahoo Finance. So this page will never be active again unfortunately. This saddens me because I had spent a lot of time putting it into operation.

                        That being said, I continue to use it and improve it for my own account, but I would need to have time to make my readers benefit from it on a daily basis. And as much time for the moment, I do not have. I have several ideas for the future, for example in the form of a daily VIP newsletter (therefore paid), in which I will provide the Trading Auto Signal and my purchases/sales, etc. But all this is music of the future and still at the simple project stage.

                        However, I looked at the link you provided. It looks a lot like the asset allocation I provide at the beginning of every month:

                        Monthly Asset Allocation

                        I had initiated this following my series of articles on portfolio diversification:

                        How to diversify your portfolio to protect yourself from market risks? (1/20)

                        By the way, among the portfolios that are mentioned on scottinvestments, there are Harry Browne's Permanent Portfolio and Meb Faber's Ivy Portfolio, from which I drew inspiration to implement this strategy.

                        On this subject, following the recent market upheavals, I have decided to take an additional step in the monthly asset allocation that I provide on my site. This should help to weather future storms more serenely. More details at the beginning of next month!

                        in reply to: My portfolio #22812

                          Je vois que ça devient une tendance : épurer les grosses caps américaines et européennes et se concentrer sur des titres  moins en vue. Tout ça c’est très bien 🙂

                          Je pense aussi que la marché commence à donner ses premiers signes de fébrilité. Il y aura sans doute encore quelques allers-retours, la tendance reste haussière, mais il vaut mieux couvrir ses arrières car on peut très bien avoir un gros et long marché baissier à l’horizon. Et pas seulement une petite baisse de 10%, qui n’a pas suffit évidemment à ramener les actions à des valorisations normales.

                          Effectivement Postfinance et Swissquote (par lequel passe le 1er pour le trading) ne permettent pas d’achat sur le marché japonais. Et c’est le cas chez  beaucoup d’autres intermédiaires financiers suisses. Soit dit en passant c’est une honte… c’est la deuxième place boursière au monde !!! Tout le monde est encore effrayé par ce marché suite aux dérives du passé (années 90)… mais beaucoup d’eau a coulé sous les ponts depuis. Et les autres marchés ont aussi ramassé pour leur grade. Sans compter que les japonais sont des gens sérieux et travailleurs, avec une stabilité politique… tiens ça me rappelle un autre pays…

                          On peut trader le marché japonais chez Interactive Brokers. Pas besoin de changer de crèmerie pour tous tes titres. Perso je garde IB pour le marché japonais et un peu de trading long/short. Pour les achats à long terme des autres titres suisses, européens et américains je passe via Postfinance. Franchement ça reste bon marché pour du long terme.

                          in reply to: My portfolio #22811


                            pourtant si….

                            in reply to: New reader #22698

                              Hello Michael

                              We are always happy to see new faces around here.


                              in reply to: Dividend taxation #22522

                                Well, here you are taking some high-profile examples. I think that these people would hire a tax expert to optimize their taxation. And on the way to the paradise papers…

                                in reply to: Dividend taxation #22514

                                  We are very far from a tax haven in Switzerland. Nevertheless 45% of marginal rate seems enormous to me…

                                Viewing 15 posts - 226 through 240 (of 582 total)