Home Forum Dividends & stock market Inverse strategy against dividend and buy and hold?

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    A withholding tax of 35%, a marginal rate of 30% (in France) and a CSG of 15.5%, in other words when Novartis pays me 3CHF in dividends, I will only have one left...

    Enough to be disgusted.

    An idea comes to mind for holding Swiss securities: from a buy and hold perspective, why not choose Swiss securities with a low payout that distribute very little and capitalize?

    I think I read that there is a strong correlation between dividends and share price increases. Are we talking about dividends distributed or company profits (ROE)? Would you recommend some stocks with this in mind?


      low-payout securities that distribute little... so increasing dividends, in other words ;-)

      dividends-price-earnings, the three are closely linked of course, profits being at the origin of the whole system

      some Ex-US Swiss companies, which we have already discussed, have low payouts, I am thinking in particular of:

      • PAXN
      • EMMN
      • BELL
      • JFN
      • SCHN
      • RO
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