Home Forum Dividends & stock market Error in Portfolio

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  • #16331

    Hi Jerome, apparently there is an error in the announced KO yield that you announce at 3.10 % while I calculated it at 2.52 % (USD 2.04 / 80.83).

    Your opinion on the matter?

    NB: I have not checked the other yields.


      Hi Lopazz,

      Thank you for your comment. As I specify in the FAQ, I do not take into account the current yield which is too often misleading: a price that falls for very good reasons offers a high but unsustainable yield. Conversely, a price that rises, also for very good reasons, lowers the current yield. So I prefer to take into account an average yield, according to a calculation method specific to my algorithm. It is close to the average yield at 5 years. I find this indicator much more relevant than the current yield.


      Thanks for your reply!

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