Home Forum Dividends & stock market Administrative formalities with the authorities

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  • #39041

      Here is a reader question:

      "Bravo and thank you for your website. It is very complete with a lot of very interesting information. I am a beginner in the world of trading and in continual learning of this fascinating world. My goal is to stop working and devote myself to this activity at 100%.

      Unfortunately I can't find any information on the steps to follow to formalize the change. Do I have to register in the trade register? Do I have to create my own SARL or SA?

      I was wondering if you had any contacts or information on this that could point me in the right direction.

      Best regards "


        Thank you for your compliments.

        However, I'm not a trader, but a long-term private investor, and I don't have a GmbH or SA.
        I think that if you want to set up a company, the best thing to do is to contact the commercial registry directly. But if you're looking for financial independence, you don't need to do that.

        In this case you just have to :
        1) if your spouse is not already insured for AHV, register with your compensation office as a person not in gainful employment (you will be taxed according to your assets):



        2) take out non-occupational accident insurance with your health insurer. In principle, you don't need loss-of-earnings insurance in the event of illness, as your income is assumed to be passive.

        3) be taxed on your dividends and possibly on capital gains if you are recognized as a professional:

        The criteria listed in the link above argue strongly in favor of a long-term investment orientation, to avoid being categorized as a professional and paying capital gains.


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