Home Forum Dividends & stock market Action of a foreign company: rather on the local market or not

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    I plan to invest in companies that are not Swiss. Some of them are present on the Swiss market and can therefore be purchased in CHF.

    So my question is: do you prefer to buy in Switzerland or on the company's own market? Why?

    Basically, I see the following advantages per market (but I'm definitely missing quite a few pieces to my puzzle):

    Swiss Market

    • Purchase in CHF, so no fluctuation in the $/€/other rate or exchange fees

    Foreign market

    • Large transaction volume, so much easier to sell and buy

      This is a question that has been debated a few times on this forum already.
      It is wrong to say that there is no exchange rate risk on the Swiss market. The stock quoted in CHF varies according to the price of the foreign asset AND the currency of the asset.
      Personally I always prefer to buy the original.


      That's what I finally did, so you confirm my choice! 🙂

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