Generations & investment (1/7): introduction

This post is part 1 of 7 in the series Generations and investment

The different generations that coexist in our society are distinguished by their practices, their representations and their influence on the economic and financial world, although the boundaries between them sometimes remain blurred. This series of seven articles explores the impact of each generation on our society, starting with the silent generation, the oldest that continues to exert a direct influence on the world today.

Generations & investment (1/7): introduction Read More »

Investing in dividends: what are the risks?

Dividend investing is not without risk, contrary to popular belief, as equities are not fixed-income securities and dividends can be suspended at any time. To succeed with this strategy, it's crucial to focus on companies that regularly increase their dividends, and avoid those whose distributions stagnate or are too sensitive to economic cycles.

Investing in dividends: what are the risks? Read More »