Walgreens (NYSE:WAG)

Discover our in-depth analysis of Walgreens (WAG), the well-known American drugstore chain present throughout the United States. Between its sustained dividend growth and its dominant position in the pharmaceutical sector, WAG presents interesting qualities for investors, although there are some risks to consider.

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Foreign currency actions and currency risk (4/4)

This post is part 4 of 4 in the series Foreign Currency Stocks and Currency Risk

In this article, we explore an additional strategy to protect against currency risk beyond forex and local currency diversification. Learn how to effectively use the correlation between securities and currency movements to optimize your investment portfolio and minimize your exposure to currency fluctuations.

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The stock market? No thanks! I swear by my savings account.

Fears about investing in the stock market are often misplaced, because contrary to popular belief, leaving your money in a savings account is not necessarily safer. Find out why investing in the stock market can be less risky and more profitable than traditional savings, provided you diversify your investments.

The stock market? No thanks! I swear by my savings account. Read More »

Foreign currency actions and currency risk (3/4)

This post is part 3 of 4 in the series Foreign Currency Stocks and Currency Risk

To protect against currency fluctuations, the foreign exchange market (Forex) offers an effective solution but requires in-depth mastery and involves risks related to leverage. This strategy allows you to take positions that are the opposite of those of the foreign assets held, but requires great caution because too much leverage can lead to significant losses, even if Forex is less volatile than the stock market.

Foreign currency actions and currency risk (3/4) Read More »