Thoughts on the Rat Race (12/13)

This post is part 12 of 13 in the series The Rat Race.

As we can see, from the point of view of consumption, there are still some leads. However, things get worse when we tackle the other side of the Rat Race: work.

We have already mentioned the current trend of freelancers. Uber is a bit of an emblem of this, even if this phenomenon actually started earlier on the Internet with platforms like Elance in the early 2000s. Today we see everywhere on the network Internet users who have made a fortune, or at least who present themselves as such, with YouTube channels, blogs, sponsored articles, product sales through affiliate networks, etc.

On paper, it sounds great: working where you want, when you want, how you want. It could be at home, or even on the beach... it's true that it's a dream. But the reality is quite different. How many blogs, YouTube channels or others are created and then abandoned only a few months later, due to lack of motivation, readers or income...

Most people who start this new business don't know that it's a job like any other, and that therefore... you have to work. It takes time to write, prepare videos, maintain a site, and market it. And it takes even longer before the first tangible results arrive. Finally, and most importantly, you shouldn't expect to hit the jackpot either. Few people manage to do so, just like in the real world. Most of the time it will be a small sum of money that allows you to build up modest savings or make ends meet.

READ  The Rat Race (literally)

As mentioned earlier, we must also not forget that all this income earned as a freelancer does not provide social security. When you are a teenager and still live with mom and dad, you don't care, but afterwards, things can quickly go bad if you count on this money.


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