NO to the 13th annuity

High cost borne by workers and young families

The 13th AVS pension for all would be expensive. Working people and consumers would have to finance it through an increase in payroll taxes and an increase in VAT. Cela signifierait moins de salaire et des prix plus élevés pour les biens et les services. Les coûts pèseraient particulièrement sur les jeunes familles et les familles monoparentales, qui doivent déjà faire face à des loyers et des primes d'assurance maladie élevés.

A craftsman would see his salary reduced by an additional 250 francs per year. If financed by VAT, this would increase from 8.1 to 9.1 percent in 2026. For an average-sized household, this would result in additional annual expenses of more than 500 francs.

Women work one more year... for nothing

The introduction of a 13th AVS pension for all would nullify the efforts made by women, whose retirement age retirement has just turned 65. The cost of a 13th pension is so high that it corresponds to three increases in the retirement age for women. Further, even more painful reforms will therefore be necessary.

Untargeted aid, which mainly benefits those who do not need it

The initiative is not intended to provide targeted assistance to people who are in financial difficulty in retirement. It provides a 13th pension to everyone, including retirees who do not need it. 85% pensioners do not need additional benefits. On the other hand, wealthy pensioners would also receive a 13th pension, which is higher than that of modest pensioners.

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An injustice to the younger generations

By granting a 13th pension to all retirees without taking into account needs, the initiative commits a injustice towards the younger generations. They will have to pay much more for the AVS, without any guarantee of benefiting from secure pensions when their turn comes. For them, it will be double punishment, because They already pay more for AVS than previous generations. Making them pay again for a 13th pension would be even more unfair.

Students, workers and parents, it is not too late. Mobilize and go vote NO to the 13th pension, to preserve your purchasing power and your future retirement. Grandparents, do the same for your children and grandchildren.


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