Paid members area

Some Internet users have expressed their disappointment that access to the portfolio and its strategies have become paid. I understand their point of view and believe me, I had to think long and hard before making this decision. It has been several months that advertising revenues have been falling while hosting costs unfortunately do not follow the same curve. I have tried many other ways to cover these costs, such as adding other ads, using affiliate campaigns and even selling my e-book. Although the latter worked well at the beginning, none of these measures was able to ensure the economic sustainability of my site. My portfolio, its strategies and the different algorithms that compose them require professional hosting. I could not offer this service with a free host. I do not count on you to enrich me, I already have my dividends for that. I just want to cover the operating costs of this site.

Thank you for understanding.

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2 thoughts on “Zone membres payante”

  1. Ad revenue is down on all sites. This is probably due to the rise of smartphones.
    It is your absolute right to want to cover your costs and the majority of your readers will understand that.

    1. Thanks Thierry. This is the first positive comment I've received. Maybe precisely because it comes from a blogger, who understands the problem of keeping a modest-sized site alive in the Internet jungle. I hadn't thought about smartphones, but they can indeed explain the drop in advertising revenue. It wasn't paying much a year ago, but now it's really a misery, even though my traffic is only increasing.

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