Take the test: MBTI - Big Five (OCEAN)
Features :
- likes disorder and the unexpected
- don't fear failure
- often late
- sensitive
- likes to attract attention
- little concerned or worried
- brave
- likes to meet new people
- enjoys philosophical discussions
- disorganized
- unlikely
- little perfectionist
- comfortable in unusual situations
- likes to joke
- less comfortable with intimacy
- very curious
- hard to embarrass
- adventurous
- flexible, adapts easily
- narcissistic
- confident
- easy to know
- easy to satisfy
- loves a crowd
- good loser
- likes thrills, open to new experiences, likes to take risks
- does not get discouraged easily
- optimistic, relaxed
- don't judge others
- hedonistic
- don't anticipate things
- passionate, enthusiastic
- spontaneous
- calm, relaxed, patient
Possible careers:
- philosopher, philosophy teacher
- comedian, artist, actor
- screenwriter, poet, writer, author, novelist, playwright
- missionary
- ambassador, diplomat, spy
- singer, guitarist, drummer, musician, songwriter
- university professor
- film producer, filmmaker
- theologian
- astronaut
- DJ
- politician
- environmental specialist
- archaeologist, Egyptologist
- official
- theater director or teacher
- psychoanalyst, psychiatrist
- volunteer
- international relations specialist
- journalist
- healer
- biologist
- historian, history teacher
- bartender
- French teacher
- anthropologist
- political scientist
Careers to avoid:
- office worker, secretary
- accountant, financial director
- banker, loan officer, financial analyst, financial planner, bank teller, account manager
- wedding planner
- beautician
- receptionist
- insurance agent
Recommended reading for financial independence:
Source: http://similarminds.com/
you will see
I didn't see it
but you're welcome vranova
the brother